Since 2019, we’ve helped hundreds of candidates in tech achieve >$400M in job offers from startups and big tech companies. You get a dedicated Talent Agent to help you find, engage, and win top of market roles. We share in the upside through a % of your future income.
eta. 2025
Breakthrough Interviewing
In the toughest job market in tech in over a decade, you need an edge. Win top of market roles with next-level interview strategies in this cohort-based course with live classes, projects, & peer workshops to help you stand out in this crowded market of qualified candidates.
The Feedback Loop
Every week, a batch of early stage founders gives a 1-minute pitch of their startup and get real-time pitch feedback from check-writing investors. The thing that holds some incredible founders back before it all clicks for their startup: storytelling.
• About Free Agency
We manage extraordinary careers. Here are a few.