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Erin Lorenz: Experience in the classroom will matter on the Anne Arundel school board


In 2013, I arrived at Annapolis High School to step into my role as an English teacher; eager to learn about my new school after six years at a middle school in Montgomery County.

I immediately fell in love with Annapolis High School. I quickly became friends with some incredible colleagues as we directed the school’s drama company. Later on, I helped jump-start an exchange program and led a group of students on a trip to Germany for the first time in over 15 years.

I have taught a variety of classes, written curriculum, and served on a textbook selection committee, all while learning more about a town I’ve always loved.

Which is when the inequities in our district became glaringly obvious.  Annapolis has such a diverse student body that is wonderful in many ways, but unfortunately, also exposes real hardships within our town. 

I have taught children who came to school exhausted from working late into the evening the night before, who came to school hungrier than the provided breakfast could satisfy, who came to school worried about their immigration status, who came to school overwhelmed by mental health struggles, and who came to school for a feeling of community support.

Now, these inequities are even starker as this virus draws an impossibly thick line right through our community.

While I have advocated for years about the need to fully fund our schools, retain high-quality teachers, shrink class sizes, and increase mental health positions, the need for these things, especially now that this virus threatens to leave our most vulnerable kids even further behind is incontrovertibly necessary. There isn’t a quick fix to our educational opportunity gaps but I am more dedicated than ever to working toward effective solutions.

Unfortunately, I realize that our community has been sold a common narrative about teachers and students: that the needs of both groups exist in opposition.

I want to be a voice on the Board of Education that unequivocally points out the opposite: that teachers’ needs and students’ needs exist in tandem. One clear example is smaller class sizes: students benefit from stronger relationships with teachers and more individualized attention, while teachers can better focus on tailoring effective lessons to student needs.

When we truly provide for our students, we are providing for our teachers.  Having reasonable start times also benefits teachers because they are able to teach children who are alert, present, and healthy. When we truly provide for teachers through strong compensation, we are providing for our students, because they have teachers who are alert, present, and healthy. 

When you ask students what they want, it’s often exactly what teachers say they need: schools in good condition, enough supplies and materials, and for their teachers to take an interest in their lives. Anyone doubting the value of a good teacher must not be staying home with children right now.  Teachers all too often balance multiple jobs just to pay their bills.

I don’t know a single teacher who wouldn’t rather spend that time and energy on their students.

My advocacy over the years has made me wonder: why are there so few educators making decisions about education? The fact is that experience in the classroom matters. It’s why I was honored to be a part of former Del. Alice Cain’s education cabinet. I appreciated her determination to include classroom educators in her decisions.

I will miss my students. I will miss my colleagues. But I have too often watched as decisions were made about my job by people who, while well-intentioned, did not understand my profession.

I am ready to advocate for teachers, students, and families so that Anne Arundel County Public Schools can provide an incredible education for your child, for every child.

Erin Lorenz is a candidate for county school board in District. The Capital offers all candidates for local office a chance to explain to readers why they are running.

Erin Lorenz directs Annapolis High School students in their production of “The Little Mermaid.”
– Original Credit: Erin Lorenz