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The Great Indoors The Surprising Science of How Buildings Shape Our Behavior, Health, and Happiness

Modern humans are an indoor species. We spend 90 percent of our time inside, shuttling between homes and offices, schools and stores, restaurants and gyms. And yet, for all the time we spend inside buildings, we rarely stop to consider: How do these spaces affect our mental and physical well-being? Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors? Our productivity, performance, and relationships? In this wide-ranging book, science journalist Emily Anthes takes us on an adventure into the buildings in which we spend our days, exploring the profound, and sometimes unexpected, ways that they shape our lives. Learn more >


About Emily

Emily Anthes is an award-winning science journalist and author. She is a reporter at The New York Times, where she covers human and animal health, as well as other topics related to animal science. She is also the author of three books: The Great Indoors (2020), Frankenstein’s Cat (2013), and Instant Egghead Guide: The Mind (2009).
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