Nice to see Secy Haaland’s hands in the new proclamations. Those who criticized her for inaction in these NM’s should now understand why the delay. Let’s hope the grazing allotments begin to be bought out, where it makes sense, and impacted resources begin to recover. Grazing impacts to riparian resources happens quickly and are devastating. This is where we should see improvement fastest where an appropriate allotment is bought out.

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Well, that sounds like a good thing. I hope Sec.Haaland continues to "re-build" BLM because they sure need that and an attitude adjustment! The current rush of Wild Horse roundups makes that perfectly clear. The number of horses removed - the number of old horses "euthanized" simply for managing to live to late 20s & into their 30s - which frankly is quite an accomplishment as a wild animal - this is just plain wrong. They are zeroing out more HMAs as they go along. I could go on & on, but I'll do you a favor & stop there.

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