Jul 21, 2021Liked by Jonathan P. Thompson

Jonathan, just a quick compliment. Not only are you addressing some issues that have been weighing on me, you do it so eloquently. Lake Powell, in particular, has always bothered me as an arrogant attempt To control Mother Nature while essentially destroying the beauty she already created. Sorry, still stuck dictating. With several years of snow pack required to turn things around, it seems like we are in a relentless Downward spiral, when it comes to both water availability and electricity generation. I am afraid people will take me as chicken little when I say we have to change how we do everything, and we have to do it now.

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Jul 21, 2021Liked by Jonathan P. Thompson

Visited the Lake Phowell experiment in total domination early May 2021 being interested in how it was going. The Mother is definitely taking the project over. Once the stench of the dying quagga mussel infestation passes...Carry on Mother, I'm rooting for you. Thanks Jonathan!

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Jul 21, 2021Liked by Jonathan P. Thompson

Thanks for the awful pun in the title of this article! Had a real chuckle on that one. Also, great article!

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Jul 21, 2021Liked by Jonathan P. Thompson

We have cicadas here in Prescott AZ every year the end of July and into August. We had them in Kansas and Missouri when we lived there. A realtor here said she had a couple ask how to get rid of them when she was showing them a house. I like the sounds they make especially when the volume goes up and down like a giant chorus. They don’t harm anyone and they are quiet at night. We are actually receiving monsoon moisture last week and this week so they haven’t really been singing much.

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Jul 21, 2021Liked by Jonathan P. Thompson

We should have listened to one-armed Major Powell about the desert reality of the Southwest…especially his idea of defining states by watersheds. Our hubris knows no bounds. People should be talking about and planning for a managed retreat to country where there is actually water to drink and temperatures you can survive. I’m not sure how much longer even the Northern Rockies will be tolerable and adequately wet…

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