Richard Dawkins: Do I have a temper? Occasionally I lose patience

He is now as well known for his short fuse and views on religion and the ‘cult of transgenderism’ as for science. Why does he get embroiled in so many rows, asks Andrew Billen

Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins
The Times


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Every year a hero of secularism and rationalism receives the Richard Dawkins award. A decade ago Britain’s best known scientist, and best known atheist, presented it personally to the journalist Christopher Hitchens, who had two months to live. In his speech Dawkins said that his friend, who was dying of cancer, falsified “the lie” that there are no atheists in foxholes. “Hitch,” he said, “is in a foxhole and he is dealing with it with a courage, an honesty and a dignity that any of us would be, and should be, proud to muster.”

Life itself is a foxhole, but when you are 80, as Dawkins will be tomorrow, you are somewhat deeper in it. I can report that his atheism is in good fettle