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Fences going up at bridge near Delphi girls' slayings

Dave Bangert
Monon High Bridge over Deer Creek is the second highest rail trestle in Indiana and was last used by CSX in 1987.

DELPHI, Ind. – Fencing will go up in the next few weeks to block foot traffic to the Monon High Bridge, an abandoned rail bridge near where two Delphi eighth-graders were hiking when they were killed Feb. 13.

The work at the 1891 bridge – abandoned in 1987 by CSX railroad and used as a de facto, though unauthorized, trail since then – is part of an agreement that will put the span 63 feet above Deer Creek into the hands of Indiana Landmarks and eventually make it an official part of the Delphi Historic Trails.

Indiana Landmarks included Monon High Bridge, the second highest rail bridge in Indiana, on its 10 Most Endangered list in 2016 and had been in negotiations with CSX to restore the bridge since 2012.

“This has been in the works for five years,” Tommy Kleckner, director of the Indiana Landmarks Western Regional Office, said Wednesday. “The timing of our negotiations, unfortunately, came at about the same time as this horrific tragedy in Delphi.”

Kleckner said work on the bridge was timed so it would not impede on the investigation into the double homicide of Liberty German and Abigail Williams. The girls were dropped off Feb. 13 to hang out on the Monon High Bridge. Their bodies were found along Deer Creek on Feb. 14. A picture of a suspect, taken on German’s phone, shows a man walking across Monon High Bridge toward where the girls were at the time.

The crime remains unsolved, even with more than two dozen agencies working the case.

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Kleckner said the fencing is part of prep work needed to shore up Monon High Bridge and get it ready to transfer ownership from CSX. CSX has agreed to donate the bridge, along with about a half-mile of land approaching the bridge from the north, provided soil testing doesn’t turn up environmental contamination at the site

Kleckner said that once repairs, estimated to cost Indiana Landmarks $121,000, are made to a deteriorating pier, the bridge will be put into the hands of Deer Creek Township. The township board has a grant from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources to renovate the bridge for use as a continuation of the Monon High Bridge trail.

Flowers sit next to Monon High Bridge in memory of Liberty German and Abigail Williams at the Monon High Bridge Trail just east of Delphi.

Kleckner said the plan is to fix the decking of the bridge and add railings so it is safer to walk across. That should be done and woven into Delphi’s 10 miles of trails by sometime in 2018, he said.

The Monon High Bridge trail would end at the south end of the bridge, where it runs into private property. Kleckner said the long-term goal is to have the trail continue across the bridge to the south and loop back to Delphi along county roads.

David McCain, a Deer Creek Township board member, said Monon High Bridge has been a fixture for generations. The area was considered for a state park shortly after World War I, he said. Hoosier poet James Whitcomb Riley spent time fishing with friends at the bridge. Working out a way to preserve it “is going to be such a great thing,” he said.

“I think back to being a kid, when I went out there, and lots of kids like me for generations went out there, really,” McCain said. “It’s been a place people have explored for generations.”

His hope: The bridge work will get done as the community starts feeling comfortable with using the Monon High Bridge trail again. McCain said there are signs of that already, though some obvious wariness lingers after February's crime.

Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby confirmed that the fences and work planned on Monon High Bridge wouldn’t interfere with the ongoing investigation into the deaths of German and Williams. Leazenby said that there was some worry – “Mostly rumors and talk on social media and that sort of thing,” he said – that someone might take out community anger over the girls’ slayings by doing structural damage to the bridge.

“I wasn’t wishing for that, and I’m glad it hasn’t happened,” Leazenby said. “I’ve never been totally comfortable with it as a structure for pedestrians. I guess I’m relieved to know this is going to make High Bridge safer out there.”

Bangert writes for the Journal & Courier. Contact him at Follow on Twitter: @davebangert.