IRS Budget and Workforce | Internal Revenue Service

IRS Budget & Workforce


Section 6 of the IRS Data Book provides an overview of IRS budget activities, including taxpayer services, enforcement, operations support, and business systems modernization. The section also includes information on the size and composition of the IRS workforce.

Graphic on the left shows the number of full-time equivalent positions for fiscal years 2014 through 2023, indicating a slight decrease of 1.3 percent since 2014. Fiscal year 2023 reported a relatively significant increase in the number of full-time equivalent positions (nearly 4,000 overall) compared with fiscal year 2022, bringing the total above 80,000 for the first time since 2014. Graphic on the right shows the IRS total operating cost for fiscal years 2014 through 2023. After adjusting for inflation,

View chart details XLSX. For additional graphs from this section, download the PDF of this year’s Data Book PDF.

Highlights of the data

  • IRS’s actual expenditures were just over $16.1 billion for overall op­erations in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 (Table 3 XLSX2).
  • In FY 2023, the IRS used 82,990 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions in conducting its work (Table 34 XLSX).
  • Racial and ethnic minority employees made up 55.6 percent of the IRS and Chief Counsel workforce, compared to a 40.1 percent share of the overall federal civilian labor force (Table 35 XLSX).
  • Women represented 64.8 percent of IRS and Chief Counsel personnel, compared to 45.8 percent of the overall federal civilian labor force (Table 35 XLSX).
  • Veterans comprised 9.3 percent of the IRS and Chief Counsel work­force (Table 35 XLSX).

Index of Data Book tables

IRS Budget & Workforce: Tables 32–35

Table 32: Costs Incurred by Budget Activity, Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023 XLSX
Table 33: Collections, Costs, Personnel, and U.S. Population, Fiscal Years 1994-2023 XLSX
Table 34: Personnel Summary, by Employment Status, Budget Activity, and Selected Personnel Type, Fiscal Years 2022 and 2023 XLSX
Table 35: Internal Revenue Service and Chief Counsel Labor Force, Compared to National Totals for Federal and Civilian Labor Forces, by Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Disability, and Veteran Status, Fiscal Year 2023 XLSX

Data for all years

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