Other | CITY OF SPOKANE C D 1 | Dist No. 1 Council Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Jonathan Bingle | PO Box 18800, Spokane, WA, 99228 | peopletoelect@jonathanbingle.com | (509) 850-0736 | 5/17/2021 9:06:36 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
Other | CITY OF SPOKANE C D 2 | Dist No. 2 Council Position No. 2 | Short & Full | 4 | Betsy Wilkerson | PO Box 8442, Spokane, WA, 99203 | campaign@electwilkerson.com | (509) 280-0440 | 5/20/2021 2:13:52 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
Other | CITY OF SPOKANE C D 3 | Dist No. 3 Council Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Zack Zappone | PO Box 48697, Spokane, WA, 99208 | info@zackzappone.com | (509) 720-7646 | 5/17/2021 11:28:10 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
Other | CITY OF SPOKANE C D 1 | Dist No. 1 Council Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Naghmana Sherazi | PO Box 28984, Spokane, WA, 99208 | info@peopleforNaghmana.com | (509) 380-9270 | 5/17/2021 10:53:46 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
Other | CITY OF SPOKANE C D 3 | Dist No. 3 Council Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Mike Lish | PO Box 9477, Spokane, WA, 99209 | mike@mikelishforspokane.com | (509) 483-0295 | 5/17/2021 2:09:20 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF AIRWAY HEIGHTS | Council Position No. 1 | Short & Full | 4 | Sonny Weathers | 12700 W 1st Ave, Airway Heights, WA, 99001 | sonnywxs@gmail.com | (509) 710-8236 | 5/17/2021 8:30:00 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF AIRWAY HEIGHTS | Council Position No. 2 | Short & Full | 4 | Arthur Bubb | 12517 W 1st Ave, Airway Heights, WA, 99001 | abubb@cawh.org | (509) 378-5112 | 5/19/2021 4:44:50 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF AIRWAY HEIGHTS | Council Position No. 4 | Short & Full | 4 | David Malet | PO Box 1782, Airway Heights, WA, 99001 | | () - | 5/17/2021 12:56:44 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF AIRWAY HEIGHTS | Council Position No. 6 | Regular | 4 | Davin Perry | 219 S Solar St, Airway Heights, WA, 99001 | votedavinperry@gmail.com | () - | 5/18/2021 4:59:07 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF CHENEY | Mayor | Regular | 4 | Chris Grover | 1003 Summit Dr, Cheney, WA, 99004 | chrisgrover68@hotmail.com | (509) 991-4137 | 5/17/2021 9:04:09 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF CHENEY | Council Position No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Paul Schmidt | 1005 Summit Dr, Cheney, WA, 99004 | Pdschmidt77@gmail.com | (509) 879-7180 | 5/17/2021 9:08:58 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF CHENEY | Council Position No. 3 | Regular | 4 | Jacquelyn Belock | 735 W 1st St Trlr 26, Cheney, WA, 99004 | BetterWithBelock@gmail.com | (509) 990-7249 | 5/21/2021 11:08:51 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF CHENEY | Council Position No. 3 | Regular | 4 | Mark Posthuma | 3271 Condor Ct, Cheney, WA, 99004 | mark4cheney@gmail.com | () - | 5/19/2021 11:05:02 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF CHENEY | Council Position No. 4 | Regular | 4 | Teresa Overhauser | 221 W 6th St, Cheney, WA, 99004-1426 | TOCouncilPos4@gmail.com | (509) 235-6204 | 5/17/2021 3:24:24 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF DEER PARK | Mayor | Regular | 4 | Tim Verzal | 1320 E Bitterroot Ct, Deer Park, WA, 99006 | tverzal@live.com | () - | 5/17/2021 9:15:59 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF DEER PARK | Mayor | Regular | 4 | Hazel McGillivray | PO Box 1725, Deer Park, WA, 99006 | Hazel4DPMayor@gmail.com | () - | 5/21/2021 1:58:45 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF DEER PARK | Council Position No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Jason Upchurch | 514 E B St, Deer Park, WA, 99006 | jjupchurch@yahoo.com | (509) 994-1360 | 5/17/2021 12:41:56 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF DEER PARK | Council Position No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Billy Costello | PO Box 1469, Deer Park, WA, 99006 | william.r.costello@gmail.com | (509) 939-1426 | 5/20/2021 1:21:49 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF DEER PARK | Council Position No. 3 | Regular | 4 | Richard Schut | PO Box 1581, Deer Park, WA, 99006 | richard@theschuts.com | (208) 649-9006 | 5/17/2021 9:06:33 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF DEER PARK | Council Position No. 3 | Regular | 4 | Heather Newsom | PO Box 2000, Deer Park, WA, 99006 | hnewsom0811@gmail.com | () - | 5/18/2021 4:31:18 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | TOWN OF FAIRFIELD | Mayor | Regular | 4 | Jamie L Paden | 203 E Brewster St, Fairfield, WA, 99012 | jaime.paden@gmail.com | (678) 850-0841 | 5/18/2021 7:44:48 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF FAIRFIELD | Council Position No. 1 | Short & Full | 4 | Alisha Anderson | PO Box 304, Fairfield, WA, 99012-0304 | | () - | 5/18/2021 1:06:11 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF FAIRFIELD | Council Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Jacob R. Warren | PO Box 480, Fairfield, WA, 99012 | jacob@jacobwarren.org | () - | 5/17/2021 12:01:51 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF LATAH | Mayor | Regular | 4 | Carole Meissner | 226 W Market St, Latah, WA, 99018 | | () - | 5/17/2021 5:54:55 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF LATAH | Mayor | Regular | 4 | Brianne Howe | PO Box 137, Latah, WA, 99018 | LittleFarmOnThePalouse@gmail.com | () - | 5/18/2021 10:32:28 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | TOWN OF LATAH | Council Position No. 1 | Short & Full | 4 | Yvonne Warren | 720 N Melvin St, Latah, WA, 99018 | sisymw1958@gmail.com | (509) 286-3809 | 5/19/2021 3:33:15 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF LATAH | Council Position No. 4 | Regular | 4 | Curt Loucks | 312 N Main St, Latah, WA, 99018 | | () - | 5/17/2021 9:22:34 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE | Mayor | Unexpired | 2 | Steve Peterson | PO Box 682, Liberty Lake, WA, 99019 | mayorstevepeterson@yahoo.com | (509) 990-0509 | 5/20/2021 3:19:17 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE | Mayor | Unexpired | 2 | Cris Kaminskas | 1414 N Ormond Rd, Liberty Lake, WA, 99019 | criskaminskas@yahoo.com | (513) 519-8720 | 5/17/2021 9:10:41 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE | Council Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Chris Cargill | PO Box 252, Liberty Lake, WA, 99019-0252 | chris@cargillforcouncil.com | (509) 306-4828 | 5/17/2021 2:03:59 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE | Council Position No. 4 | Regular | 4 | Jamie Freeze Baird | 22809 E Country Vista Dr Apt 175, Liberty Lake, WA, 99019 | freezebaird4council@gmail.com | (336) 693-8669 | 5/17/2021 11:58:11 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE | Council Position No. 4 | Regular | 4 | Mike Behary | 2310 N Country Vista Blvd, Liberty Lake, WA, 99019 | mike.behary@mike4liberty.com | (208) 641-9347 | 5/21/2021 10:12:54 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE | Council Position No. 6 | Regular | 4 | Mike T. Kennedy | 927 N Oakmont Ln, Liberty Lake, WA, 99019 | | (509) 994-3220 | 5/17/2021 8:42:36 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE | Council Position No. 7 | Unexpired | 2 | Holly A. Woodruff | 1320 N Fairway Rd, Liberty Lake, WA, 99019-8582 | woodruffforcouncil@gmail.com | (765) 977-3611 | 5/18/2021 3:51:09 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF MEDICAL LAKE | Mayor | Regular | 4 | Shirley Maike | PO Box 388, Medical Lake, WA, 99022 | shirleymaikeformayor@gmail.com | (509) 299-5451 | 5/17/2021 9:12:36 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF MEDICAL LAKE | Mayor | Regular | 4 | Terri K Cooper | PO Box 815, Medical Lake, WA, 99022 | terricooperformayor@gmail.com | (509) 939-9589 | 5/18/2021 2:16:52 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF MEDICAL LAKE | Council Position No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Donald Kennedy | PO Box 1772, Medical Lake, WA, 99022 | DonKennedy2017@gmail.com | () - | 5/18/2021 9:43:30 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF MEDICAL LAKE | Council Position No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Howard Griffith | 519 Connie Ray Ave, Medical Lake, WA, 99022 | howardgriffith@yahoo.com | (509) 710-7291 | 5/21/2021 12:58:21 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF MEDICAL LAKE | Council Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Elizabeth Rosenbeck | PO Box 924, Medical Lake, WA, 99022-0924 | | () - | 5/17/2021 9:31:15 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF MEDICAL LAKE | Council Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Dawn Olmstead | 1010 N Fox Ridge Rd, Medical Lake, WA, 99022 | olmstead.dawn@yahoo.com | (509) 496-8171 | 5/19/2021 4:44:50 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF MEDICAL LAKE | Council Position No. 3 | Regular | 4 | Bob Maxwell | 510 E Jim Darby Dr, Medical Lake, WA, 99022 | maxwellmlcouncil3@gmail.com | (509) 220-0252 | 5/19/2021 7:24:32 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF MEDICAL LAKE | Council Position No. 3 | Regular | 4 | Arthur (AJ) Burton | PO Box 1023, Medical Lake, WA, 99022 | burtonarthuraj@gmail.com | () - | 5/18/2021 7:30:13 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF MEDICAL LAKE | Council Position No. 4 | Regular | 4 | Tony Harbolt | 422 E Tara Lee Ave, Medical Lake, WA, 99022 | | () - | 5/17/2021 9:22:58 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF MEDICAL LAKE | Council Position No. 7 | Unexpired | 2 | Chad Pritchard | PO Box 1496, Medical Lake, WA, 99022-1496 | chadpritchard@gmail.com | () - | 5/19/2021 6:21:11 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF MILLWOOD | Mayor | Regular | 4 | Kevin M. Freeman | 8704 E Dalton Ave, Spokane, WA, 99212 | kmfreeman67@gmail.com | () - | 5/19/2021 8:53:34 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF MILLWOOD | Mayor | Regular | 4 | Matt Dean | 2926 N Laura Rd, Spokane, WA, 99212 | | () - | 5/18/2021 4:34:45 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF MILLWOOD | Council Position No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Shawna Beese | 3610 N Sargent Rd, Millwood, WA, 99212 | lamplight@mindspring.com | (509) 844-4729 | 5/17/2021 2:01:15 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF MILLWOOD | Council Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Dan Sander | 8315 E Bridgeport Ave, Spokane, WA, 99212 | | () - | 5/19/2021 4:07:13 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF MILLWOOD | Council Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Becky Dean | 2926 N Laura Rd, Spokane, WA, 99212 | | () - | 5/21/2021 10:19:54 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | TOWN OF ROCKFORD | Mayor | Regular | 4 | Carrie Roecks | PO Box 174, Rockford, WA, 99030-0174 | | () - | 5/18/2021 11:10:54 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF ROCKFORD | Council Position No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Tim Fricke | PO Box 337, Rockford, WA, 99030 | | (509) 993-7165 | 5/17/2021 7:58:46 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF ROCKFORD | Council Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Brian Laude | PO Box 85, Rockford, WA, 99030 | | () - | 5/19/2021 1:25:17 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF ROCKFORD | Council Position No. 5 | Unexpired | 2 | Mark Lonam Jr. | 173 E Stringham Rd, Rockford, WA, 99030 | | () - | 5/19/2021 10:52:37 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF ROCKFORD | Council Position No. 5 | Unexpired | 2 | Ivan Willmschen | 218 S River St, Rockford, WA, 99030 | | () - | 5/20/2021 2:39:00 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | TOWN OF SPANGLE | Council Position No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Ron Cockle | PO Box 262 N 305 Main, Spangle, WA, 99031 | cocklewelding@centurytel.net | (509) 251-5112 | 5/20/2021 10:12:14 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF SPANGLE | Council Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Rebecca Johnson | PO Box 224, Spangle, WA, 99031 | | () - | 5/17/2021 11:52:23 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF SPANGLE | Council Position No. 3 | Unexpired | 2 | June Brumley | PO Box 143, Spangle, WA, 99031 | | () - | 8/4/2021 9:08:08 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF SPANGLE | Council Position No. 5 | Unexpired | 2 | Austin J Sievers | PO Box 183, Spangle, WA, 99031 | | () - | 5/17/2021 10:18:17 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF SPOKANE | Municipal Court Judge No. 1 | Short & Full | 4 | Kristin C. O'Sullivan | PO Box 8782, Spokane, WA, 99203 | judgekosullivan@gmail.com | (509) 503-8188 | 5/17/2021 10:46:51 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF SPOKANE | Municipal Court Judge No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Mary C. Logan | 2525 E 29th Ave Suite 240, Spokane, WA, 99223 | retainjudgemarylogan@gmail.com | (509) 944-1901 | 5/18/2021 8:51:53 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF SPOKANE | Municipal Court Judge No. 3 | Short & Full | 4 | Gloria Ochoa-Bruck | PO Box 1269, Mead, WA, 99021 | info@gloriaforjudge.com | (509) 903-5391 | 5/17/2021 11:25:39 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF SPOKANE | Municipal Court Judge No. 3 | Short & Full | 4 | Matthew Antush | 1101 S Wright Blvd, Liberty Lake, WA, 99019 | | () - | 5/17/2021 9:09:08 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY | Council Position No. 1 | Regular | 4 | James "JJ" Johnson | PO Box 610, Spokane Valley, WA, 99037 | JJ4SpokaneValley@gmail.com | () - | 5/19/2021 12:14:12 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY | Council Position No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Rod Higgins | 13707 E 23rd Ct, Spokane Valley, WA, 99216 | LEWROD@COMCAST.NET | (509) 990-4028 | 5/17/2021 11:19:10 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY | Council Position No. 4 | Regular | 4 | Ben Wick | 4909 N Mcdonald Rd, Spokane Valley, WA, 99216-1479 | ben@reelectbenwick.org | (509) 928-2641 | 5/17/2021 9:22:19 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY | Council Position No. 4 | Regular | 4 | Brandon Fenton | 14222 E Mallon Ave, Spokane Valley, WA, 99216 | BRAFEN@COMCAST.NET | (509) 496-8805 | 5/17/2021 12:10:32 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY | Council Position No. 5 | Regular | 4 | Pamela Haley | 621 W Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA, 99201 | rcdaycare@comcast.net | (509) 456-3776 | 5/17/2021 9:55:16 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY | Council Position No. 5 | Regular | 4 | Wayne J. Fenton | 16704 E Heroy Ave, Spokane Valley, WA, 99216 | wayne@blackdiamondspokane.com | (509) 998-0657 | 5/21/2021 11:39:33 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY | Council Position No. 7 | Regular | 4 | Laura Padden | 13021 E 9th Ave, Spokane Valley, WA, 99216 | paddenforcouncil@gmail.com | (509) 928-1694 | 5/17/2021 9:19:14 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY | Council Position No. 7 | Regular | 4 | Linda (Hatcher) Thompson | 10913 E 46th Ave, Spokane Valley, WA, 99206 | Ljthompson71@msn.com | (509) 926-7041 | 5/19/2021 8:05:34 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
City/Town | TOWN OF WAVERLY | Mayor | Regular | 4 | Paul Curtis | PO Box 524, Waverly, WA, 99039 | | () - | 5/18/2021 8:59:05 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF WAVERLY | Council Position No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Clifford Curtis | 140 E Newport #27, Waverly, WA, 99039-0000 | cliffcurtis@air-pipe.com | () - | 5/18/2021 10:03:40 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF WAVERLY | Council Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Joel Martensen | PO Box 23, Waverly, WA, 99039 | | () - | 5/19/2021 3:35:54 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
City/Town | TOWN OF WAVERLY | Council Position No. 4 | Regular | 4 | Alexander Fuchs | PO Box 60, Waverly, WA, 99039 | | () - | 5/19/2021 3:47:15 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | SPOKANE SCHOOL DISTRICT 81 | Director Position No. 3 | Regular | 6 | Melissa Bedford | PO Box 28183, Spokane, WA, 99228 | melissa@electbedford.com | (509) 903-5526 | 5/17/2021 5:37:00 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | SPOKANE SCHOOL DISTRICT 81 | Director Position No. 3 | Regular | 6 | Daryl Geffken | PO Box 8321, Spokane, WA, 99203 | Dgeffken@geffkenforspokaneschoolboard.com | (509) 903-5586 | 5/20/2021 11:54:42 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
School | SPOKANE SCHOOL DISTRICT 81 | Director Position No. 4 | Regular | 6 | Kata Dean | PO Box 31034, Spokane, WA, 99223 | info@katadean4schools.net | (509) 903-5705 | 5/21/2021 9:37:25 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | SPOKANE SCHOOL DISTRICT 81 | Director Position No. 4 | Regular | 6 | Riley Smith | PO Box 8790, Spokane, WA, 99203 | campaign@electrileysmith.com | (509) 723-3811 | 5/17/2021 9:27:30 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
School | ORCHARD PRAIRIE SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Position No. 1 | Regular | 4 | J. Rod Sprague | PO Box 6211, Spokane, WA, 99217 | Jrodsprague@gmail.com | () - | 5/19/2021 9:40:55 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | ORCHARD PRAIRIE SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Position No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Naomi Lathrum | 8611 N Orchard Prairie Rd, Spokane, WA, 99217 | | () - | 5/20/2021 3:40:57 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | ORCHARD PRAIRIE SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Position No. 3 | Unexpired | 2 | Dan J Cutler | 6819 E Uhlig Rd, Spokane, WA, 99217 | dancutler@mindspring.com | (509) 217-5459 | 8/5/2021 8:14:23 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | ORCHARD PRAIRIE SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Position No. 4 | Unexpired | 2 | Dennis M Miner | 8326 N Orchard Prairie Rd, Spokane, WA, 99217 | | () - | 8/5/2021 7:33:09 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | ORCHARD PRAIRIE SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Position No. 5 | Unexpired | 2 | Carol Ann Hollar | 6215 E Orchard Rd, Spokane, WA, 99217 | | () - | 8/5/2021 11:28:51 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | GREAT NORTHERN SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Position No. 4 | Regular | 4 | Lynn Scharff | PO Box 1718, Airway Heights, WA, 99001 | Lscharff4@gmail.com | () - | 5/18/2021 6:39:09 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | GREAT NORTHERN SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Position No. 5 | Regular | 4 | Mary Patrick | 3115 N Spotted Rd, Spokane, WA, 99224 | | () - | 5/18/2021 10:00:58 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | NINE MILE FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Position No. 4 | Regular | 4 | Kyle J Yancey | 15521 W Charles Rd, Nine Mile Falls, WA, 99026 | kyleyancey@hotmail.com | () - | 5/17/2021 6:19:33 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | NINE MILE FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Position No. 5 | Regular | 4 | Elise McCrorie | 6527 Pine Ridge Way, Nine Mile Falls, WA, 99026 | emccrorie.sc.wa@gmail.com | (509) 903-5575 | 5/19/2021 8:21:28 PM | | Active | In Primary | 1 |
School | NINE MILE FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Position No. 5 | Regular | 4 | Greg Flemming | 16500 N Sagewood Rd, Nine Mile Falls, WA, 99026 | | () - | 5/18/2021 10:03:12 AM | | Active | In Primary | 2 |
School | MEDICAL LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Dist No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Leo Spilker | 346 S Jefferson St, Medical Lake, WA, 99022 | | () - | 5/19/2021 10:41:44 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | MEDICAL LAKE SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Dist No. 5 | Regular | 4 | Wendy Williams-Gilbert | 21214 W Mcfarlane Rd, Medical Lake, WA, 99022 | wendyjbuenzli@yahoo.com | (509) 220-6999 | 5/21/2021 12:48:29 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | MEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Dist No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Chad Burchard | 6414 W Rutter Pkwy, Spokane, WA, 99208 | | () - | 5/18/2021 11:16:28 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | MEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Dist No. 5 | Regular | 4 | Carmen Green | 22310 N Perry Rd, Colbert, WA, 99005 | nemrac32@comcast.net | () - | 5/18/2021 11:31:21 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | MEAD SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Dist No. 5 | Regular | 4 | BrieAnne Gray | PO Box 914, Mead, WA, 99021 | brieannegray@outlook.com | (509) 680-0753 | 5/17/2021 11:24:54 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
School | CENTRAL VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Dist No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Teresa (Tere) Landa | 3946 S Eagle Ln, Spokane Valley, WA, 99206 | tvonmarbod@gmail.com | (509) 481-3531 | 5/17/2021 11:59:14 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | CENTRAL VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Dist No. 5 | Regular | 4 | Pam Orebaugh | PO Box 272, Newman Lake, WA, 99025 | ElectPam4Kids@hotmail.com | () - | 5/19/2021 9:41:25 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | CENTRAL VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Dist No. 5 | Regular | 4 | Rob Linebarger | 23520 E Broken Lance Ln, Liberty Lake, WA, 99019 | rob4cvsd5@gmail.com | (619) 829-9010 | 5/17/2021 10:45:04 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |
School | FREEMAN SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Dist No. 2 | Regular | 4 | Ed Cashmere | 14308 E Drumheller Rd, Valleyford, WA, 99036 | | () - | 5/21/2021 3:45:21 PM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | FREEMAN SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Dist No. 4 | Regular | 4 | Neil J Fuchs | PO Box 344, Valleyford, WA, 99036 | | () - | 5/21/2021 10:46:14 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | CHENEY SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Dist No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Mark L. Scott | 20602 S Culver Rd, Cheney, WA, 99004 | buckscott97@yahoo.com | (509) 991-6240 | 5/20/2021 10:43:12 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 1 |
School | CHENEY SCHOOL DISTRICT | Director Dist No. 1 | Regular | 4 | Marcie Estrellado | 608 W 5th St, Cheney, WA, 99004 | | () - | 5/19/2021 9:09:18 AM | | Active | Advanced to General | 2 |