Democracy Dies in Darkness

Transcript of Mark Zuckerberg’s Senate hearing

April 10, 2018 at 10:25 p.m. EDT
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg sat down before lawmakers on April 10, and apologized, explained and defended the tech giant amid controversies over data privacy. (Video: Jenny Starrs, Bastien Inzaurralde/The Washington Post, Photo: Matt McClain/The Washington Post)

Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg appeared before the Senate's Commerce and Judiciary committees Tuesday to discuss data privacy and Russian disinformation on his social network. Below is the transcript of the hearing.

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SEN. CHARLES E. GRASSLEY (R-IOWA): The Committees on the Judiciary and Commerce, Science and Transportation will come to order. We welcome everyone to today's hearing on Facebook's social media privacy and the use and abuse of data.