I will not go back to being treated a second class citizen! I broke the glass ceiling and I'm not going to allow these control freaks take us backwards and make the next generations have to do it again and again. It rather tickles me that the Supreme Court is preparing for siege. Remember the Women's March in 2017. Millions protested and no one was arrested. We need to keep to non-violent protesting. Our strength is in our numbers and having a worthy cause! By our I mean all of us this time working for women's rights, immigration reform, healthcare reform, disability justice, reproductive rights, the environment, LGBTQ rights, racial equality, freedom of religion, workers' rights and tolerance. (Go enjoy refreshing your memory at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Women%27s_March) I sense a huge movement from all those determined not to lose their rights and, in fact, expand them and make sure everyone (every one, no one left behind) benefits with lives of well-being and community. Like my alma mater, M.I.T., where each and every individual is respected just because they are there, we can have a country where everyone is respected just because they exist! Let's quit competing for a slice of the pie and start making more and bigger pies valuing our differences as synergistic strength. Let's do the right thing by each other and our communities. Let's go forward to phase 2 of this beautiful experiment of democracy and take humanity to the next level of maturity and well-being for all. We, the People, all of us this time. The People's March begins now!

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Dear Justice Alito, when the Founders wrote the Constitution, many of them had slaves, black men like Clarence Thomas. Black men were seen as not a person but 3/5 of a person to increase the count for the South.

In the 1780’s women weren’t even in the Constitution. Women were not considered a person but chattel of their fathers and then their husbands, no rights. How can we consider Amy Coney Barrett as a person since the Founders wouldn’t, strict constructionists.

To argue that abortion isn’t in the Constitution and that a strict constructionist would find that the right to an abortion isn’t a protected liberty interest in the Constitution because it’s not rooted in the country’s history and tradition, should also assume that Clarence Thomas is 3/5 of a human being and

Amy Coney Barrett belongs to her husband and no say in any legal matter. In the 1780’s Justice Thomas would most likely be a slave, rooted in our history firmly.

You can’t pick and choose your history.

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It is ridiculous, it is crazy, it is dangerously irresponsible to keep talking of and talking to the Wolf that Ate Grandma.

The criminal conspiracy that hides behind the name "Republican Party".

A stealth charade like Putin's little green men taking over Crimea.

You go to bed as citizens of the United States of America, you wake up as subjects of the Confederacy.

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The tireless, multi-pronged approaches of those who sought the eventual theocracy/authoritarian “democracy” that exists to take taxpayer money and outright give it to the already wealthy (pandemic boondoggles, Halliburton war pig contracts for showers that nearly electrocuted US military members) was, while evil, disciplined and relentless. With disciplined GOTV and constant attacks on the integrity of the US judiciary, with the creation of think tanks and hate radio/propaganda/Faux News, through collusion with political machines masquerading as tax-exempt churches, the right rose and here we are. Why are we looking around in surprise and wondering (or explicating) how we got here?

The left quit. Resting on “laurels” it never earned, from the failure of ERA to the persistent underpaying of women to Roe which is a Frankenstein compromise that left women’s unalienable rights to our own bodies only partially protected. Instead of fighting back, most women with the most access to money and education sat smugly and equated photo-op inclusion with progress. Some of this is the successful distraction of right-wing hate groups that use small, visible distractions and ginned up “culture war” victories detract from bigger goals; some of it is the crushing workload of domestic and professional life many women choose; some of it is the smug, effete laziness of the privileged who chose to focus on pronouns instead of proactive trench warfare to expand rights and looked the other way while poor, rural sisters suffered from lack of health care and educational/economic opportunities.

And now here we are.

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

May the tsunami rising from the leak be as blue as can be! 🌊 🌊 🌊

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Citizens of individual states must fight harder to win back their own legislatures. The majority is up against a series of walls built by the minority extremists.

Additionally, right wing laws now in place must be used to hold extremists accountable to their own laws. Force them to eat their own cake.

Finally, don't just invite those who need women's health services to liberal states for services, invite Americans, businesses and money, labor and brains who want civil rights to come and stay. Make the Abbott & DeSantis states pay the price that Russia now pays for their aggression.

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Why should women’s healthcare rights be decided by the state? Why should a woman in Alabama have different healthcare rights than a woman in NY or CA? That’s like saying a woman in one state can have treatment for uterine cancer but in another state they can’t. Maybe I shouldn’t say that out loud. The scotus might say since it’s not in the constitution…

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

Thank you Heather.

Yesterday I saw a post that was a spoof on the Supreme Court Justices that lied about their stances on Roe v Wade during their confirmation hearings. It showed actual footage of their comments to uphold the decision countered with video of an audience laughing. At first I laughed along with it, until I hit the replay and watched it again.

The reality of their lying has certainly found a home with the current situation.

How did we get snookered into thinking the best, trustworthy judges would make a perfect choice for a lifetime appointment to have our best interests in mind?

I'm disappointed at best.

Be safe. Be well.

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When the SCOTUS issued Chief Justice Taney’s opinion in the Dred Scott case in 1857, it ignored the same ‘public reaction’ that Justice Alito references in the ‘draft.’ Three years later the Civil War began, precipitated by that decsion. This is what happens when the SCOTUS climbs down from its supposedly non-political pedestal, takes off its blindfolds and swears in Justices chosen for their political beliefs on specific issues.

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

Thank you, Heather, for continuing to keep us informed on the Supreme Court’s (and the repub’s) assault on Women’s Right to Choose, attempting to overturn Roe v. Wade. The distractions and lies seem unprecedented, but they continue the repub process of unraveling our freedom and our Democracy. The Truth is in front of us: “Legal commentator Joyce White Vance tweeted: “Odd that the Supreme Court is acting like they’re under assault, when it’s actually us who are under attack by them.”

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We are at a tipping point about who we really are when the Supreme Court Building becomes a walled fort out of fear of the people's response to a leaked opinion. For years now the ultra conservatives have been trying to find ways to exert their will on the rest of us...and part of their strategy has been to paint all democrats and Rhino's as misguided, ultra-liberal, socialist, commie, queer, academic, Hollywood, tree hugging science freaks. And that we want to take away all your guns, make all your kids queer, kill Christianity, eliminate Christ, kill Christmas and make RuPaul the Secretary of Defense....oh and here's the one truth...treat Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Indians & Women with respect and dignity. To use a song that Keith Moon was smashing in (literally) Who are you ?

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May 6, 2022·edited May 6, 2022

Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer’s heart is in the right place. But his vow to have the Senate vote on a bill to protect abortion rights is little more than a toothless political gesture. It will be filibustered immediately and will not survive the inevitable cloture vote. Until the filibuster is ended any Senate non-supermajority will continue to live at the mercy of the minority. His vow to bring legislation to the Senate floor will generate support from those committed to civil rights but little else. As far as putting Republicans on record, we already know where they stand on abortion rights, on voting rights, on gun control, on same sex and interracial marriage, on contraception, on business regulation, on healthcare, etc., etc. If Senator Schumer wants to protect reproductive rights, he needs to end the filibuster, and the rest of us need to vote in Democratic majorities in the Senate so such legislation cannot be overturned by a future Congress.

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Thank you Heather. Tough times go away but tough people don’t. Thank you.

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"[Collins] will vote against the measure because she thinks it goes too far." She won't actually "vote against the measure" because she will not support a motion to proceed to a vote. Collins, Murkowski and other Republicans should have the courage to support moving to a vote to codify Roe v Wade into law and then the courage to vote what they believe.

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Just where has Joe been. Didn’t he have trump on his show almost every day. Didn’t he pal around with trump for years. It’s good he finally is saying what we’ve known for years but sheesh!!!

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If I had a dollar for every time Susan Collins expressed "dismay" and then did exactly what her Dear Leader told her to do, I'd have more than enough cash for a very swanky dinner at a very swanky restaurant. She is the dictionary definition of a hypocrite. 🤢🤮 are the two emojis I have been using most frequently these days. I propose a new policy: every man who is the cause of an unwanted pregnancy--for whatever reason--is subjected to forced sterilization. Make it a political platform issue. Propose the policing of male bodies to the degree that female bodies are policed. And then see what they do.

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