Dear Heather, Tonight you gave me a history lesson that makes me feel I've never learned anything about the real history of our country. Thank you! I now have two of your books on order -- "Wounded Knee" and "How the South won the Civil War". It bothered me that to create the working class Lincoln's government put an entire people, the Native Americans, into the slavery of dependency and deprivation exchanging the plantations for reservations. If a Civil War won't work this time and there is no land to give away, what is the solution. My thoughts are three-fold. First, that workers, the creators of the wealth, must become shareholders in that wealth by receiving shares in the business they work for and seats on the Boards. Second, the two-party system and "winner-take-all" partisan politics must be reformed with nonpartisan systems doing redistricting, the aisles removed in Congress, and checks and balances restored so that no one have unilateral or autocratic power. Third, the country needs a Well-Being Index to replace or at least be equal to the GNP where every policy and piece of legislation is measured on its benefits to the well-being of the People.

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The most appalling thing is that mentalities have hardly seemed to change in over 150 years. We are still seeing those hoarding the wealth manipulating the "mudsills" against their better interests, blinding them with hatred of anyone who might do better, binding them with fear of being "downgraded" and driving them with a myth that replaces history, fact and truth.

Well...! Now they believe that they have sewn up both the Supreme Court and the Senate, thus neutering "à volonté" the Democratic Président and House. They could return the country far into the past through "Government by the Judges" and throw out safeguards for the people built up despite them over the last near century or simply wait, block and watch untill their chance came again to rule totally.

This repetitive, destructive spiral has to stop. Secession is no longer an option for the GOP and is hardly necessary as they esteem that they are succeeding in spreading their control over the whole country and imposing their autocratic rule even without slavery. They have in reality adopted the system which they decried amongst anti-slavery States; Wage slavery. Civil war was tried once and it didn't solve the problem for very long! A country cannot go on for long with a constitutional blockage which prevents the government from promoting and supporting the welfare, rights and obligations of all the people.

I trust that Biden is truly inhabited by the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Ike Eisenhower, and Barack Obama as he is going to need it in order to break this impasse. This cannot be just a transition! He will need to break the log jam either through the justice system by whatever means...treason, corruption or other crimes... or through non-traditional action as "Commander in Chief of the Nation" as did Teddy Roosevelt in order to break the resolve and rigidity of the owners in the Coal Mine deadlock in 1902. Whichever he chooses he must also act strongly through the BULLY PULPIT. He is going to need such a massive groundswell of public opinion, protest and support that McConnell, Koch Inc. and their army of orcs fear for their very existence in the mid-terms. To achieve this he must to lay out a program for everybody; he has to address the root causes of the support on the ground for the Tea Part etc and, to make it happen, he has to invent new, innovative ways of getting things done...which the current constitution does not specifically prohibit. Here his mettle will be tried, his vision tested and his determination proven. Thankfully he has Kamala Harris by his side.

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"You must be under the mistaken impression that I care.”- Mitch McConnell

And this is just one of the Republicans who don't care who retained their office.

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Thanks Heather. I find McConnell's quote to be the new normal for the GOP. If it differed from that, Trump would be removed by now. I don't know if I am the only one that feels the level of disgust for the GOP far out shadows the elation I have for those that stood up and voted. I truly despise the party for what it now stands for. Its the Lincoln Party no more. I know that in 60 odd days President Biden will diffuse them to the point he can. We must remember that although Trump will be gone , his Twitterfest will continue and the true monsters of the Republican Party remain to steamroll over us.

Please be safe, be well.

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The Democrats simply must win both of the GA run-off elections and wrest control from mcconnell. He is evil incarnate, derelict in his duty as a representative of the people of KY, and he foments the worst impulses of the current administration and its base.

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"And yet, most Republican lawmakers are not willing to challenge Trump in public."

That, is what is endangering our national security and undermining our democracy.

Trump can do none of this by himself.

In 1964 ultra-conservative Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater published a book, and coined a phrase, titled "None Dare Call It Treason", about people who did not stand with his very strict and limited view of the function of government. He lost in a landslide to Lyndon Johnson. If Goldwter were alive today he would be appalled at the Republican Party and would not hesitate to call their current actions, or lack thereof, "Treason!"

I will do it for him. The Republican Party in America in 2020 is collectively guilty of treason.

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"President-Elect Joe Biden’s overwhelming victory, they say, was fake ..."

What's truly fake is their false assumptions, their skewed ideological bent, their bigotry, their whiteness, and their so-called nationalism. Oh, and their most fake facet is that "golden/orange calf" -- the object of their adoration --

whose leadership skills are non-existent, whose loyalty to this country is zilch, and whose compassion for them, his loyal followers, borders on apathy.

What's fake is their vision of an "America that will attain greatness again" under the irrational tutelage of an unstable, pompous, fascist, and self-absorbed exterminator whose time is, most definitely, up.

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Thank you, HCR for a timely history lesson. Yours is the history I never learned in school. Or, in any other way except observing and early rejecting my PA family’s ignorant, racist, fearful behaviors-starting in the 50’s. I divorced my family and moved away when I was 14. From a lifetime of observing them and trying in vain to reason with them, I can only say that Fox News has made it impossible for truth to prevail with them. They only care about themselves and the stock market. In South Africa, of all places, I sat at a lunch table with a professional man from Atlanta who stated his One Percenter support for Trump. My old Trumpeter Neighbors are permanently angry. It’s only the young generations in my family who voted BidenHarris. Frankly, the young are my basic hope for the future. Change has to come from the bottom 99%. Commitment to political activism and support 365 days/year is my retirement mantra. My iPhone and Mac and Zoom are my new tools. Sad beyond words about the runaway virus train. Evil beyond words about McConnell. GEORGIA ON MY MIND. ❤️🤍💙

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My question (or is it a comment?) today is: How are the likes of Alex Jones allowed to remain as is without prosecution? His words, rhetoric, actions - they are all so inflammatory and full of lies. How can a person operating in this capacity get by with “freedom of speech”? Again, if he were in a theater and yelled FIRE then he would be arrested. My heart breaks while my head fills with anger to see those two thousand people marching in DC with signs that list who they will go after first. Literally signs with the groups of people who will be sought out. What an insecure bunch of rats.

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"McConnell answered: “You must be under the mistaken impression that I care.” One would hope that that simple statement would have made good ol' Joe think twice about the possibility of 'working across the aisle' with this man. I'm all for trying to find common ground, but when your counterpart makes clear he will be happy to cut you off at the knees rather than compromise, you are a fool if you hand him a sword.

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This is the most on target summary of “how we got here” that I have ever seen! I had no idea that we have literally been there before, naively thinking that this is the first time we have seen this behavior this shameless. Wow.

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Thank you for the history, Heather! When you mentioned the idea of a military coup, I was heartened to have seen a video of Gen. Milley's speech on Nov. 12th. He spoke emphatically of the oath of all in the military to the Constitution, "not to a King, Queen, Dictator or an individual, party or religion". I love that he said that the Constitution is the "moral North Star". It should be a reminder to all those enablers that they all took that same oath to protect the people of this country, not just to line their own pockets. Also someone said "Power is the Perception of Power". I had not heard that before, and it makes enormous sense as trump is beginning to lose his power

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We knew the GOP was crooked. They confirmed it in the way they handled the impeachment. We still believed they were decent human beings. Now they are behaving like assasins. Promoting violence in the common folks by not acknowledging Biden/Harris win and delaying help for the pandemic

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Morning, all!! Morning, Dr. R!! For all the bluster that took place yesterday in D.C., my only take-away is that 5+ million more Americans quietly and steadfastly voted for the Democrat candidate, Joe Biden, leaving the Republican incumbent short of a victory. Further, this deponent sayeth not.

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Yesterday in Washington DC, Trumpism’s most rabid cheerleader Alex Jones said, “It’s 1776 time! 1776, 1776, 1776 ... death to the new world order, death to tyranny... The pedophile globalists and their attempted election steal and the Clinton blackmail rings have only summoned the sleeping giant that is America and you! and you! you are the tip of the spear!”

This election is Trump’s Reichstag fire – a calamity of his own creation, the great lie he is using to solidify his most ardent followers into his personal Sturmabteilung. Although I hope many who voted for him will eventually see the terrible mistake they made and can be pulled back from the edge on which they now stand, the hard core will not. We are deep in it now.

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McConnell's comment doesn't surprise me at all. That's been his way of being for as long as I can remember. He doesn't give a damn about anything other than his own agenda. He certainly doesn't care about the people who elect him as witnessed by the poor ratings KY gets in things like education, income, etc. He is a disgrace to the human race, and I've said before, there's a special place reserved for him in hell. Like us all, we need to do EVERYTHING in our power to get Ossoff and Warnock elected. I came across a great website yesterday, https://newgeorgiaproject.org/. I gives multiple organizations focusing on GA voters to which you can donate. I couldn't give as much as I would like, but know that it all helps. Giving/writing/texting/calling. Do it!

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